H. Essoussi, S. Ettaqi, E.H. Essadiqi

From the alloy design to the microstructural and mechanical properties of medium manganese steels of the third generation of advanced high strength steels

J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall., 60 (3) (2024) 339-352. DOI:10.2298/JMMB240601028E
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Available online 20 novembar 2024
(Received 01 June 2024; Accepted 13 November 2024)


The automotive industry is facing increasing pressure to reduce vehicle weight, enhance safety, and lower production costs while at the same time complying with stricter environmental regulations. Various solutions have been developed to effeciently respond to these conflicting requirements. One promising solution is the development of new steel types of the third-generation of advanced high-strength steels (3GAHSS).These steels aim to bridge the gap between TWIP and TRIP steels. The so-called (MM) medium manganese steels combine exceptional strength, good malleability and lower production costs due to the reduced use of alloying elements such as manganese (less than 12wt. %). Medium-Mn steel is drawing more attention to be designed for future vehicle bodies and structures. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the relationship between chemical composition, microstructure, manufacturing processes, and mechanical properties of medium Mn steels.

Keywords: Medium Mn steels; Intercritical annealing; Retained austenite; Microstructure; Thermo-mechanical processing

Correspondence Address:
H. Essoussi,
Laboratory of Energy, Materials and Sustainable Development, ENSAM, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco;
email: hamza.essoussi1@gmail.com



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