Development of an efficient solar concentrator and utilization in copper extraction from copper minerals
J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall., 60 (3) (2024) 421-433. DOI:10.2298/JMMB240222034Y
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Available online 17 decembar 2024
(Received 22 February 2024; Accepted 16 December 2024)
A novel and cost-effective solar concentrator was developed to enhance efficient copper extraction. Based on the criteria for a stationary compound parabolic concentrator, the reflector geometry incorporates a half-spherical curve and a strength line. This design significantly improves the concentrator’s ability to capture more marginal rays than widely used commercial solar concentrators. In this study, a newly configured solar concentrator was constructed with aluminum sheets and tested in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, with a comprehensive performance analysis. The investigation revealed an optical efficiency of 0.73 and a maximum thermal efficiency of 68%. The experimental results demonstrated that the solar collector could absorb solar radiation throughout the year without a tracking system. It efficiently facilitated the copper sulfide ore leaching process at a medium temperature of approximately 70 °C. Capital cost analysis indicated an exceptionally low unit manufacturing cost of only $ USD 125/m2. The study further proposes that the implementation of this solar collector could potentially double the copper recovery rate and triple the annual increase in copper cement without contributing to CO2 emissions. Additionally, the feasibility of deploying this new concentrator on an industrial scale was thoroughly evaluated to provide substantial support for the further development of clean copper production technology through further innovation.
Keywords: Solar energy; Net-zero carbon emissions; Compound parabolic collectors; Acid leaching; Copper recovery
Correspondence Address:
Y. Nahmad-Molinari; A. Lopéz-Valdivieso,
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Instituto de Metalurgia, San Luis Potosí, Mexico; Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Instituto de Fisica, San Luis Potosí, Mexico;
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