Synergistic effect of Pd+Rh on the microstructure and oxidation resistance of aluminide coatings
J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall., 59 (3) (2023) 465-476. DOI:10.2298/JMMB231017040Z
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Available online 17 December 2023
(Received 17 October 2023; Accepted 16 December 2023)
The Pd+Rh modified aluminide coatings were deposited on nickel and CMSX-4 nickel superalloy. The Pd layer (2.5 µm thick) and the subsequent Rh layer (0.5 µm thick) were electroplated on both nickel and CMSX-4. The aluminization of the substrates with Pd+Rh layers was carried out using the CVD method. Two zones (outer and interdiffusing) were observed on both coatings. The β-NiAl phase doped in palladium was formed in the outer zones and β-NiAl phase doped with palladium and rhodium was formed at the boundary between the outer and interdiffusion zones of both coatings. The γ’-Ni3Al phase and μ-Co7Mo6 precipitates in the β-NiAl matrix were found in the interdiffusion zone on nickel and CMSX-4 superalloy respectively. The simultaneous use of Pd and Rh in the aluminide coating slowed down their oxidation rate. Moreover, Pd+Rh co-doping is more efficient than Pd+Hf in reducing the oxidation rate of aluminide coating on CMSX-4 superalloy.
Keywords: Pd+Rh; Aluminide coating; Oxidation; kp value
Correspondence Address:
M. Zagula-Yavorska,
Rzeszów University of Technology, Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Rzeszów, Poland;
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