P. Turalska, M. Homa, G. Bruzda, N. Sobczak, I. Kaban, N. Mattern, J. Eckert

Wetting Bahaviour and Reactivity between Liquid Gd and ZrO2 Substrate

J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 53 (3) B (2017) 285-293. DOI:10.2298/JMMB170815045T
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The wetting behavior and reactivity between molten pure Gd and polycrystalline 3YSZ substrate (ZrO2 stabilized with 3 wt% of Y2O3) were experimentally determined by a sessile drop method using a classical contact heating coupled with drop pushing procedure. The test was performed under an inert flowing gas atmosphere (Ar) at two temperatures of 1362 °C and 1412 °C. Immediately after melting (Tm=1341 °C), liquid Gd did not wet the substrate forming a contact angle of θ=141°. The non-wetting to wetting transition (θ 90°) took place after about 110 seconds of interaction and was accompanied by a sudden decrease in the contact angle value to 67°. Further heating of the couple to 1412 °C did not affect wetting (θ=67°±1°). The solidified Gd/3YSZ couple was studied by means of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy. Structural investigations revealed that the wettability in the Gd/3YSZ system is of a reactive nature associated with the formation of a continuous layerof a wettable reaction product Gd2Zr2O7.
Keywords: Gd; ZrO2; Sessile drop; Wettability; Reactivity; Interfaces

Correspondence Address:
P. Turalska,
Foundry Research Institute,
Krakow, Poland

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