

S. Nouri, M. Azadeh

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Microstructural investigation of the coatings prepared by simultaneous aluminizing and siliconizing process on gamma-TiAl J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 55 (2) B (2019) 217-225. DOI:10.2298/JMMB180814021N Full text (pdf) Export manuscript information: RIS Format (EndNote, Reference Manager), BibTeX

M. Muzyk, K.J. Kurzydłowski

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Generalised stacking fault energies of copper alloys – density functional theory calculations J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 55 (2) B (2019) 271-282. DOI:10.2298/JMMB181128020M Full text (pdf) Export manuscript information: RIS Format (EndNote, Reference Manager), BibTeX

T. Cheng, L.-J. Zhang

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Thermodynamic re-assessment of the Al-Sn-Zn ternary system J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 55 (3) B (2019) 439-449. DOI:10.2298/JMMB190320036C Full text (pdf) Export manuscript information: RIS Format (EndNote, Reference Manager), BibTeX