

J. Šestak

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On history and recent applications of the Holba and Korzhinskiĭ treatments of special hyperfree energy effective to thermodynamics of partially open geological, metallurgical and other nonstoichiometric systems J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 53 (3) B (2017) 249-254. DOI:10.2298/JMMB170404014S Full text…

W. Gierlotka

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Size-dependent thermodynamic description of the binary Pb-Sn system J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 53 (3) B (2017) 233-238. DOI:10.2298/JMMB170525019G Full text (pdf) Export manuscript information: RIS Format (EndNote, Reference Manager), BibTeX

D. Jendrzejczyk-Handzlik

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Phase equilibria in the ternary Ag-Au-Ga system: isothermal sections at 250 °C and 450 °C J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 53 (3) B (2017) 215-222. DOI:10.2298/JMMB170531043J Full text (pdf) Export manuscript information: RIS Format (EndNote, Reference Manager), BibTeX

B. Sundman

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A note on models for phases with order/disorder transitions in thermodynamic software and databases J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 53 (3) B (2017) 173-177. DOI:10.2298/JMMB170801023S Full text (pdf) Export manuscript information: RIS Format (EndNote, Reference Manager), BibTeX